Daily Archives: October 7, 2008

Why is God Hidden?

Theologians always talk about the hiddeness of God, how God is there, but yet He seems shy to intervene or show Himself directly to us. But He has given you clues you can follow, some of which are breathtaking. God has given us just enough evidence so that those who want Him can have him. Those who want to reject Him can do that as well. Think about it. It’s the only way a relationship with God could not be forced. If He was here in visible form, ruling with great power, would anybody choose differently? God gives everyone the room to either choose or reject. He’s a hidden God. But yet what the Bible so clearly teaches is that He remains active in his “hiddenness.” He is working a plan in our lives. And His first objective is to woo and win our hearts, to have us stay at His table forever. The problem is not that God hasn’t spoken; it’s that we haven’t listened. We’ve suppressed the truth and yet still he pursues.


Filed under First Cause, Free Will, God, Hidden God

Intelligent Design and Evolution: How Did It All Begin?

If you were hiking through the woods and came across this huge mountain with the faces of four people carved into the side of it and not just any face, but four faces of people who we have come to know as former presidents, you could ask three questions: Does a law explain it? Does chance explain it? Does design explain it?  One, it could be the result of natural process or natural law. The rain and lightening and weather over the last several thousand years shaped it. It’s possible, but not likely. Two, it could be the result of some accidental cause. There was an explosion, and this is what we got. Or three, it could be the work of an Intelligent Designer. Somebody who knew how to sculpt, who new our US history, actually got a hammer and chisel and went to work. The same is true for all that you see in our world. It could be the result of natural processes. It could be the result of some cosmic accident. But these are not likely. The best explanation is that it was all made by a Someone who holds it all together. Like the mechanics of a wristwatch, it speaks of intelligent design. Laws can’t explain it. Accidents don’t happen in that kind of beautiful detail. Those four presidents are the result of a Designer. And upon investigation, we will find that all that we see around us was placed here by a Designer. And upon an even closer investigation, we will find that this Designer is the God of the Bible. When intelligence acts, it leaves behind traces of its activity.


Filed under Evolution, First Cause, Intelligent Design